Enjoy unforgettable experiences during your stay at our hotel in the beautiful town of Makarska.
We offer a wide range of services to make the most of your time in this enchanting environment.
Plan excursions to fascinating locations such as Biokovo and Skywalk, explore nearby islands and visit charming historic cities. We aim to provide you with a memorable experience of
immersing yourself in our culture and natural beauty.
- Airport transfers
- Excursions to Biokovo
- Excursions to Skywalk
- E tuk tuk skywalk
- Excursions by tourist boats and private boats to nearby islands
- Excursions to Krk
- Wine tasting tours
- Excursions to Dubrovnik, Split, Omiš, Mostar, etc.
- Bicycle rental
- Rent a car
- Rent of tennis courts
*The realization of excursions depends on the number of registered participants.
*For all inquiries regarding prices and registrations, you can contact us at sales@romana.hr